The video's up on YouTube.
The Fall Guy
JoinedPosts by The Fall Guy
2018-04-05-BOE- Adjustment to May's Local Needs item!
by Atlantis in2018-04-05 ( if i get the video i will post it for you.
)adjustment to may's local needs item!.
2018-04-05-BOE- Adjustment to May's Local Needs item!
by Atlantis in2018-04-05 ( if i get the video i will post it for you.
)adjustment to may's local needs item!.
The Fall Guy
Very many thanks Atlantis. I was going to use my "cover visit" to the KH to see this, but not now.
You have spared me from having to watch this in the company of the mind-numbed. How any JW with two brain-cells can not be repulsed at this smirking yes-man, is beyond me!
His weasel words should strike at their hearts and minds.
His opening words: "Our Kingdom Hall$ are truly preciou$ to u$."
Yup, so precious that your corporation is selling them off and depriving the sheep of a local KH!
2018-04-05-BOE- Adjustment to May's Local Needs item!
by Atlantis in2018-04-05 ( if i get the video i will post it for you.
)adjustment to may's local needs item!.
The Fall Guy
Much appreciated Atlantis.
How to "turn the tables" on still-in witness who pry about our status.
by stuckinarut2 inso many of us have had (perhaps well-meaning) jws ask us questions about our inactivity, or lack of attendance at meetings.
they may pry about why..... how is this for a simple, yet straight to the point response?
to a sincere person, it may play on their mind and make them ask more questions.
The Fall Guy
Fact: 99.9% of active J.W.'s who inquire after your "spirituality" will use any relevant information to stab you in the back. It's mandatory in their cult-world - they're "doing it out of love."
If anyone dared to question me regarding my non-attendance at the KH or assemblies, my reply will be, "Thanks for your concern, but I have private & personal concerns which I can't discuss with anyone at the moment." Conversation stopper! (TM)
Life during the 1,000 reign???
by Joliette inme and my brother recently got into a discussion about the 1,000 reign.
i told him that even after armageddon, you know that you still have to work for your salvation??
he says yes, that he is prepared to work for jehovah (wth), and that it will be a wonderful time.
The Fall Guy
Tell your brother that the "faithful slave" says that the "vile things" spoken of at John 5:29 will be practiced during Christ's 1000 years reign - and see how he responds.
it-2 p. 789 Resurrection - Jesus was therefore evidently taking a similar position in time in speaking of “those who did good things” and “those who practiced vile things,” namely, a position at the end of the period of judgment, as looking back in retrospect or in review of the actions of these resurrected persons after they had opportunity to obey or disobey the “things written in the scrolls.”"
bh p. 214 par. 3 - "...the judgment will not focus on what people did before they died.....individuals will be judged on the basis of what they do during Judgment Day."
uw chap. 9 p. 76 par. 12 - "They will be “judged individually according to their deeds” performed after their resurrection."
If people are going to be practicing vile things - and then judged - such a world makes a nonsense of Christ's rulership as described at Revelation 2:27 - "....he will shepherd the people with an iron rod...."
Incite Better Handling of Complaints
by The Fall Guy inever feel as if companies or their telephone complaint handlers couldn't care less about your problem?
i don't know if it's just me, but in recent times i seem to have had more than my fair share of companies/tradesmen who acted with contempt.. admittedly, many of them are given a really hard time by extremely irate customers, but each customer should be treated as an individual.. i have found that i receive a more focussed & attentive response when i inform the person on the other end of the line that i am recording the call for my personal reference & security.
from that point on, i generally receive their full attention and achieve a satisfactory outcome for my complaint.
The Fall Guy
Welcome Mark - good to have you join us.
Why don't you submit a post and introduce yourself with a little background etc?
Incite Better Handling of Complaints
by The Fall Guy inever feel as if companies or their telephone complaint handlers couldn't care less about your problem?
i don't know if it's just me, but in recent times i seem to have had more than my fair share of companies/tradesmen who acted with contempt.. admittedly, many of them are given a really hard time by extremely irate customers, but each customer should be treated as an individual.. i have found that i receive a more focussed & attentive response when i inform the person on the other end of the line that i am recording the call for my personal reference & security.
from that point on, i generally receive their full attention and achieve a satisfactory outcome for my complaint.
The Fall Guy
Ever feel as if companies or their telephone complaint handlers couldn't care less about your problem? I don't know if it's just me, but in recent times I seem to have had more than my fair share of companies/tradesmen who acted with contempt.
Admittedly, many of them are given a really hard time by extremely irate customers, but each customer should be treated as an individual.
I have found that I receive a more focussed & attentive response when I inform the person on the other end of the line that I am recording the call for my personal reference & security. From that point on, I generally receive their full attention and achieve a satisfactory outcome for my complaint. Everyone records customers' calls - simply turning the tables. Another result this morning!
One of these gadgets and a voice recorder gets the job done.
April 2018 Broadcast - normal weird stuff
by Listener inwe hear a story regarding the life of thomas and emma.
she states that "when thomas and i first learnt that i was pregnant, we were both really shocked" she doesn't explain why they were both really shocked but it seems an odd reaction unless they were using the safest contraception invented or hadn't been told about the bird and the bees.two experiences that touched the heart of gb sanderson were as follows -.
in russia a jw was jailed for 6 months, the jailers did everything to try to undermine his faith, which included violence.
The Fall Guy
"I'd like to teach the world to sing, some cultish Kingdom songs..................................."
Altogether now.....................
Who is Sholom Drizin?
by zeb ini was wandering about sites and this guy was mentioned as a big % owner in wtbs and watchtower.
there were pictures of him an elderly man with hotel interests.. was i a member of a sect or a business empire of sorts.
The Fall Guy
Mystery still unsolved as far as I can see.
Memorial Attendance ???
by Phizzy inhi all, anybody any anecdotal or actual idea of how attendance numbers went this year ?.
there are hints that it is well down, but is it ?
and if it is, will the borg stop crowing about the attendance as they always have ?.
The Fall Guy
Phizzy - I'll be optimistic and suggest that a decline in "interested ones" at the ritual is ultimately inevitable - especially thanks to the org's "own goal" of shutting down so many local KH's.
It's bad for the publishers, but less & less non-JW's will be inclined to travel longer distances to reach a non-event.
NBD - 2014 memorial? Just wait and see what the cult starts suggesting after the next 14 memorials - 2033 could be a significant memorial!!!!